E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +355 67 607 2211

Address: Rr. "Mustafa Matohiti", pallati Gener 2, shkalla 2, kati 3, ap.8, Tiranë.
FAM Tour “Ride the Best Sceneries in the Western Balkans

he Triple P Tourism in SEE: Promotion, Policy and Pilots project (Triple P project) was a three year effort implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council and funded by the EU. The Triple P project worked to create joint and internationally competitive cultural and adventure tourism offers in the six Western Balkans (WB6) economies with the goal to attract more tourists to the region, lengthen their stay, and, in final instance increase revenue.

  • Project concept
  • Business Plan
  • Financing Plan
  • Feasibility Study
Partners & Clients